Séminaire « In the Presence of Enemies » – Programme – Printemps 2024
In the Presence of Enemies
A History of Domestic Threats in Modern Societies (XVIIIth-XXIth)
Patrick Farges et Alexandre Rios-Bordes
This seminar offers to explore the comparative and transnational history of domestic threats in modern societies. At the crossroads of political, social, and cultural history, we wish to distance ourselves from the dominant ‘pathological’ understanding and take these anxieties seriously in a sociological perspective. We will wonder how the successive figures of internal enemies took roots, socially and politically; and what kind of transformations they engendered in terms of institutions, laws, practices, and conducts. What is a domestic enemy? In what contexts and through what processes did they emerge? What type of discourses framed the threats ? Drawing from what kind of cultural references, repertoires, and experiences? How did these representations travel ? What kind of political and social reconfiguration did they produce? These are a few of the questions we will address and discuss through a series of historical and contemporary cases.
Les jeudis, 11h-13h, Université Paris Cité.
Université Paris Cité, Campus des Grands Moulins, 75013 Paris.
Bâtiment Buffon, 15 rue Hélène Brion.
Bâtiment Olympe de Gouges, 8 place Paul Ricoeur.
Bâtiment Halles aux Farines
Bâtiment Condorcet, 4 rue Elsa Morante.
Les jeudis de 11h-13h (sauf les 15/02 et 7/03; les séances des 14/03 et 11/04 se dérouleront de 17-19h, afin de tenir compte des décalages horaires)
Séminaire en hybride :
January 25. 11am-1pm, salle 127A Buffon.
“On ‘Enemization’ in Modern Societies”
Alexandre Rios-Bordes (Université Paris Cité, ICT)
February 1st. 11am-1pm, salle RH02A Buffon.
« When Friends of the Workers turn into Enemies of the state: Security Laws and the Criminalization of the labor movement in Pakistan »
Laurent Gayer (Sciences Po-CERI)
February 8. 11am-1pm, salle RH02B Buffon.
“Beat a Scab, Shoot the President: Spanish « Pistolerismo » and Labour Violence in Post-War Europe, 1917-23’”
Arturo Zoffman (Universida Nova de Lisboa, IHC)
Date to be determined. 11am-1pm, salle RH02A Buffon.
“Jews as Domestic Enemies in Pre-War Nazi Germany”
Patrick Farges (Université Paris Cité, ICT)
February 29. 11am-1pm, salle RH02A Buffon.
“Creating Enemies: States, Grievances, and the Politics of Terrorism”
Richard English (Queen’s University of Belfast, Institute for Global Peace, Security and Justice)
March 7. 11am-1pm, salle 125C Halle aux farines.
“’His Majesty’s Most Loyal Internees’: German-Jewish Refugees in British Internment 1940-1943”
Patrick Farges (Université Paris Cité, ICT)
March 14. 5pm-7pm, salle 086A Condorcet.
On The Newspaper Axis: Six Press Barons Who Enabled Hitler
Kathryn S. Olmsted (University of California, Davis)
March 21. 11am-1pm, salle 103A Buffon.
“Annihilation, Reeducation, Redemption, and Reform: The Many Steps of Soviet Penal Policy’s Attitude toward Enemies of the Soviet power, 1918 – 1934”
Guillaume Minea-Pic (Ehess, Cercec)
March 28. 11am-1pm, salle 146A Buffon.
“Societies Without Enemies: The Reactions to Islamist Terrorist Attacks in Western Societies”
Gérôme Truc (Cnrs, ISP)
April 4. 5pm-7pm, salle 265 Olympe de Gouges.
“Punitive Policing in Mexico: The Role of the Businessmen in the Militarization of Security”
Maria Teresa Martinez Trujillo (Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey)
& Anaís Medeiros Passos (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina)
April 25. 11am-1pm, salle RH02A Buffon.
“Banished, Relegated, Suspects. Enemization Practices in Medieval Italian Communes”
Giuliano Milani (Université Gustave Eiffel, CFR/ACP)
ID de réunion: 860 8614 0297
Plans d’accès : https://u-paris.fr/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/PlanB5_PRG_0922.pdf
Programme : https://ennemis.org/portfolio/seminaire-du-programme-de-recherches-ennemis/